Brawijaya IVF

Our Services

We provide various services to help you realize your dream of having a baby.

Why Brawijaya IVF Center

Brawijaya IVF Center brings new hope for a baby. This service is supported by obstetrics and gynecology (obstetrics and gynecology) specialists, fertility consultants and reproductive endocrinologists who are experienced in their fields. The clinic handles in vitro fertilization (IVF), artificial insemination, sperm disorders, and all causes of fertility problems.

Meet Our Specialist


Program Bayi Tabung di Brawijaya IVF Center hanya Rp 69.500.000!

Program Bayi Tabung di Brawijaya IVF Center hanya Rp 69.500.000!
Hematnya hingga 21juta! Tidak perlu berpikir terlalu lama lagi, yuk konsultasikan dan registrasikan diri Anda dan pasangan untuk ikut program ini.

Paket promo ini termasuk :
-Obat-obatan Stimulasi IVF
-Ovum Pick Up (OPU)
-Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
-Embryo Time Lapse
-Freezing Embryo
-Fresh/Frozen Embryo Transfer

Untuk info & registrasi:
Admission 0878 4169 9849
IVF Counsellor 0878 4169 9850

*Syarat & Ketentuan Berlaku
*Tidak termasuk konsultasi dokter, pemeriksaan laboratorium dan obat rawat jalan

Untuk Anda yang ingin berkonsultasi mengenai program IVF, hubungi Halo Brawijaya 150-160 dengan senang hati kami akan membantu Anda.

Your Journey to Parenthood Starts Here

#brawijayaivf #pejuangduagaris #brawijayaivfjourney

couple Fertility Check Up

Memeriksakan kesuburan bagi suami-istri tentunya perlu dilakukan, terutama bila ingin memulai program hamil. Ada paket menarik nih dari Brawijaya IVF Center. Hanya seharga Rp 1.999.999 untuk paket Couple Fertility Check Up Package.

Paket ini termasuk:
Konsultasi dengan Dokter Spesialis ObsGyn Konsultan Fertilitas
Konsultasi dengan Dokter Spesialis Andrologi
Analisis Sperma

*Syarat dan ketentuan:
Paket berlaku maksimal 3 bulan sejak pembayaran paket secara penuh

Untuk info & registrasi:
Admission 0878 4169 9849
IVF Counsellor 0878 4169 9850

Atau bisa juga menghubungi Halo Brawijaya 150-160 dengan senang hati kami akan membantu Anda.

Your Journey to Parenthood Starts Here
#brawijayaivf #pejuangduagaris #brawijayaivfjourney


  • Blocked or damaged fallopian tubes
  • Ovulatory problems
  • Hormonal disorders
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, PCOS
  • Endometrioses
  • Being over 38, from which age fertility declines rapidly
  • Medical conditions such as diabetes, epilepsy, and thyroid and bowel diseases
  • Lifestyle factors such as stress, being overweight or underweight, alcohol misuse and smoking
  • Environmental toxins including exposure to pesticides and lead
  • Excessive physical or emotional stress that results in amenorrhea (absent periods)

Well, it's not exactly your fault. Here's a look at the infertility rates : 

The best way to find out the cause is to get yourself checked by a fertility specialist or gynaecologist. Just call and make an appointment with them